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How Do We Measure Electricity?


Do you want to know the way we measure electricity? Well, some of you might consider it a school thing, but for some of you, it could be an integral question while looking at consumption statistics.

So, let’s start:

The measures of electricity are Watts and Kilowatts.

The name Watt has been associated with the inventor of Steam Engine, James Watt.

Is there a definition?

Yes, there is a specific definition of Watt. One Watt is equal to the current of one ampere under the pressure of one volt.

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Do we measure the electricity in Watts only?

No, Watt is the smallest unit of electricity measurement. When it comes to electricity measures, KW, MW, and GW are the prominent ones. These units are specifically essential when considering the generation of electricity.

Measurement of electricity over time:

What if you want to measure electricity consumption over time? We have a specific unit for it, the Watt-hour (WH). The supply of electric energy to or from a circuit for one hour is known as Watt-hour.

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Summing Up:

There are specific units of measuring electricity depending upon different situations. We hope that all this information would be beneficial for you.

In case of any confusion with your electrical problems, you must always contact professional electricians.

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