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How to Dispose of CFL Bulbs Responsibly?


Have you already switched to CFL bulbs for your home and office use? Well, that’s great because these bulbs save energy and provide better lighting than incandescent bulbs.

But as you are new to these bulbs, you might have ambiguities regarding whether the disposal procedure for CFL Bulbs is different from the other bulb variety; and what you should do to dispose of them safely.

Let’s discuss it in this article, and we are sure you’ll find these CFL bulbs super amazing in terms of functionality and after-purchase care.

What are CFL Bulbs?

CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamp) are energy-efficient bulbs, and they were initially designed to replace traditional bulbs. Basically, CFL bulbs work on the principle of fluorescence, the emission of light when a vapor is excited by the electricity.

CFL bulbs are more energy efficient than regular incandescent bulbs. However, they produce the same amount of light, but the energy consumption is effective, which leads to lower bills. The lifespan of CFL bulbs is also longer, and they can last up to 10,000 hours or more. The warm-up time is really quick before reaching full brightness.

Why should you Recycle CFL bulbs?

The fluorescent light bulbs contain a minute amount of mercury in them. Disposing of one bulb might not be harmful. But imagine everyone throwing it away in the garbage; this will be disastrous. When landfills are filled with mercury, it will pollute land, air, and water.

So, it is better to adopt the right procedure for disposing of CFL Bulbs. A proper disposal procedure for CFL Bulbs is necessary to avoid the potential health risks, reduce the prolonged danger within the landfills and even use the other essential elements from the bulbs again.

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How to dispose of/recycle the CFL Bulbs?

We believe you already know that you cannot dispose of your CFL Bulbs in the regular garbage. So, what’s the option you have? Here they are:

Get into the CFL recycling program at your nearest retailer:

Most CFL retailers have started the CFL disposal programs considering the environmental sustainability initiatives. So, you can ask your nearest retailer about such a program and see if it helps.

Seek help from garbage service:

One of the other options you have to dispose of the CFL bulbs properly is through your garbage service. Ask them if they are offering CFL disposal services to the clients. If they are, then you are good to go. The only thing you’ll have to do is to keep these bulbs separate and hand them over to the person visiting your area.

Get help from the local municipality:

One of the other things you can do for the safe disposal of your CFL Bulbs is to get help from the municipality. The local government is responsible for disposing of the trash, so they will have a mechanism you can surely get help from.

Call them to understand the procedure in detail and be a responsible citizen.

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Summing up:

Opting for CFL bulbs is a step towards going green. Not to mention, they are efficient and cost-effective as well. However, the disposal is an issue because of the mercury element. CFL Bulbs are no rocket science, but if you are using them for the first time, you might be concerned about their usage and disposal. If you cannot figure out anything yourself, you can get help from Chicago Electricians, and we can guide you properly.

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